Git for Everyone

Fork a repo on Github

Forking a repo is amazingly simple. What forking is, Github is essentially making a copy of the repo for your use, but it's not a total carbon copy as one might imagine.

What is happening is that Github is taking a snapshot in time and then storing that version snapshot in your account. From here out, Git and Github will remember the edits you make. This is called the delta.

To fork a project you simply need to click the fork button on the repo page.


The Pull Request

Once you have forked and then cloned a project, this is now your version of the project. If you do not have permissions to edit the actual project, this is how you would contribute.

Once you have made edits and committed them to master, you can then create a pull request that the owner of the project will be notified of. If the updates are accepted, the admin will merge your pull request and the codes will be added to the project.