Create the file
$ touch _config.scss
Add the following code:
/////// Typography configuration
// *----------------------------------------
$font-size: 16;
$heading-1: 36;
$heading-2: 32;
$heading-3: 28;
$heading-4: 18;
$heading-5: 18;
$heading-6: 18;
$line: $font-size * 1.5;
$small-point-size: 10;
$large-point-size: 14;
$primary-font-family: #{"Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif};
$secondary-font-family: #{"Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif};
$heading-font-family: #{"Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif};
/////// Default webfont directory
// *----------------------------------------
$fontDir: "fonts/";
/////// Default image directory
// *----------------------------------------
$imgDir: "images/";
/////// OOCSS generic base colors
// *----------------------------------------
$alpha-primary: #5a2e2e; // red
$bravo-primary: #3e4147; // green
$charlie-primary: #fffedf; // yellow
$delta-primary: #2a2c31; // blue
$echo-primary: #dfba69; // accent
$alpha-gray: #333; //black
/////// Color math
// *----------------------------------------
@import "color-scale";
/////// Semantic variables
// *----------------------------------------
// abstract 'white' value to easily applied to semantic class objects
$white: #fff;
// primary header font color
$primary-header-color: $alpha-gray;
// default heading font weight
$heading-font-weight: normal;
// primary font color for the app
$primary-text: $alpha-gray;
// default `href` link color
$href-color: $delta-color;
// default shadow colors
$shadow-color: fade-out($alpha-color, 0.5);
// default border color
$border-color: $alpha-color;
/////// HTML 5 feature colors
// *----------------------------------------
// used with the `ins` tag
$ins-color: $charlie-color;
// used with the `mark` tag
$mark-color: $charlie-color;
// webkit tap highlight color
$webkit-tap-hightlight: $delta-color;
// overrides the default content selection color in the browser
$selection-color: $charlie-color;
$selection-text-color: $primary-text;
//////// Default animation properties
// *----------------------------------------
$trans: .333s ease;
Add to the application.scss
/////// App Config - this is where most of your magic will happen
// *----------------------------------------
@import "config";